Careers in

Community & Reintegration

A career inside our community team means working with people while they complete their order or sentence in the community. You will be aiming to engage and positively motivate people to ensure community safety and improve their oranga while they are in our management.


Probation Officer

Work with offenders to make sure they are meeting the requirements of their sentence and have the support they need to do so.

Community Work Supervisors

Supervise offenders assigned to community work group placements and help deliver meaningful projects for the community

Senior Community Work Supervisors

Lead the assessment of community work projects, mentor Community Work Supervisors and manage key relationships.

Operations Adviser

Support the management of electronically monitored offenders and defendants, through solving problems, working with frontline staff and providing advice

Bail Support Officer

Work with defendants, their families, defence counsel, the courts, iwi and social service organisations to assist with the bail process

“What I find most rewarding about my role, is walking alongside people, watching them engage in their rehabilitative programmes, and seeing them grow into the best version of themselves.”

Ashleigh - Probation Officer

Our stories

Hear Charmaine's 26 year journey at Corrections, including her current role as National Manager for Bail Support Services

What's involved with a community work project?

There's more to a project than meets the eye.

What makes a great probation officer?

A service and district manager share their insights.

Punk attitude translated into te reo Māori

Meet Angelo, the probation officer making a mark for te reo in the music industry.

Are you a good fit?

You could already be ready for a career with our Community teams. Here are some of the key skills and attributes we look for.


Good communicator and able to relate to diverse groups of people

Positive role model

Positive role model and able to motivate others


High integrity and can work under pressure

Critical thinking

Critical thinker with high resilience


Dependable, honest and a team player

Why choose us?

  • Our whānau support
  • A strong start
  • Career progression
  • Sites nationwide

Our teams are based on developing supportive and nurturing relationships. Our frontline team work closely with one another to ensure everyone remains safe and well supported to carry out their work. Outside of your direct team, there are health & safety advocates, welfare officers, helplines and external partners so you're never short of awhi, care, and support.

To get you off to a good start you'll join with other new staff from around the country beginning their careers with Corrections. The Ara Tika programme is delivered from Upper Hutt at Corrections’ National Learning Centre and is an opportunity for you to learn core skills, develop a network of peers and be welcomed to the whānau. We'll arrange and pay for travel, accommodation, and meals while you're away from home.

After your initial training, there are opportunities to progress up through the ranks into more senior or specialised roles. Given the scale of our organisation, there's also ample ability to move into service development projects at our regional or national offices to shape our mahi.

We have over 120 sites nationwide so you can work in a community that matters to you.

Apply now, change tomorrow

View our current vacancies and apply now.

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